Friday, June 1, 2007

Our Nine-Tailed Fox

Hinata has a brother! Welcome Naruto, an adorable beige tabby that we adopted from a rescue shelter almost three weeks ago at the perfect age of 10 weeks. The rescuers were excited to see our interest in the little boy, as they were concerned his two brothers would be adoped as a pair and he'd be left all alone. Since we were only interested in one more cat to keep Hinata company, and he had a playful spirit, he was a perfect fit for us. Just watching him tumble around the cage playing with a feather toy we knew he'd be a a great addition to our home.

He's adapted quite quickly, much faster then we'd anticipated. He's extremely friendly, even passing out on laps of our company. He chases Hinata all around the house, tackles her, and generally asks her to play. She stopped hissing at him after the first week, and now doesn't run away every time he comes in the room. Though she's still not back to her typical self, she's getting much better. Now if we could only get Naruto to quit messing with her when she's sleeping, and kicking her out of her favorite napping spots, we'd be all set.

1 comment:

sally said...

Robyn, I love the blog. I'd like to see more stories. Thanks. MOM